Adul Club Locator



Centerfolds Cabaret
201 E Delilah Rd
Pleasantville, NJ 08232
Type: Topless
Bar:  Full Bar
Food: Buffet
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Date: 2018-02-17   Reviewer: Lonzo Perkins


This place used to be 56 west then they changed the name to Centerfolds and now its called Just Enuff but whatever you call it as long as you got that dumb woman running the club its never gonna be what it was in the early Centerfold days. This woman be drunk most the time and let the girls run the club they call her Kamara or Carrol something like that and she done ruined this strip club to the point where sometimes they don't even have any girls to dance. Prices be so high I can get three drinks at another bar for what they charge for one damn drink. Prices way too high for the girls they be running up on the stage and that's if they have any girls at all.