Adul Club Locator



Deja Vu Showgirls Spokane
8722 East Sprague Avenue
Spokane, WA 99212
Type: Topless
Bar:  No Alcohol
Food: None
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Date: 2023-02-12   Reviewer: Honesty


This is an anonymous warning (too scared to come forward) and I will be posting this everywhere so that it reaches the right people that MIGHT seem to care before shit gets serious! CORPORATE should probably visit this Spokane branch and see all the s*xual abuse and violence going on and being “unnoticed” by the f@t gaudy old b*%ch that calls herself the “GM.” AKA Steph. She deserves to be fired. She is willingly keeping an employee there (Todd) who is a known sexual predator and has sexual assault charges against him. He is also a felon carrying around illegal guns. It took calling the police to get this dangerous man away from Deja Vu. After he was arrested AT THE CLUB for assaulting women he had his brother show up armed and open carrying to further intimidate the girls. (which steph allowed this man to enter the club premise) He even sent his baby’s Mom (Abi/Lila) and a few of her masculine friends (Holly/Paisley and Roxanne) to assault 2 of the dancers. This is all on camera. This is all because Todd (an opportunist) wanted to keep selling drugs out of the club and there were girls and people in power that supported that. Steph has allowed all of this. The violence and drama is part of why this location makes NO money lol. She chooses to look the other way which is putting ALL of the girls there in danger. I truly know and believe behind a reasonable doubt there is a lot of violence/corruption going on at Deja Vu and it’s just a matter of time before someone gets SERIOUSLY hurt, especially with Miserable Burnt-Out Steph running the place. Please Corporate, consider this and come interview the girls there to see what’s really going on and see for yourself as Steph is hiding things from corporate because she would have already been fired with the violence, abuse, and drug use she has allowed to go on. She is also withholding corporate’s phone number from the girls that are trying to reach out and get help, hence why I’m commenting publicly on every platform till it reaches somebody who can put a stop to this. Yours Truly, Anon.